Our Top Three Scents for Spring

I've never understood people who only light candles during the fall and winter.  What, your home doesn't deserve to smell amazing all year round? Ambiance is not just for cold weather, you know! And though I light candles every. single. day, I do love rotating my scents throughout the year to mark the changing of the seasons. And while there's nothing wrong with sticking with that one scent that you just can't get enough of, below are a few of my favorites for this time of year, when everything is turning green and dazzling.


For me, the smell of fennel is the ultimate Spring scent. Where I live, in Northern California, fennel grows riotously in just about any untended plot - on the side of highways, in vacant lots - and its sweet, fresh scent is absolutely everywhere. This was the first scent I ever created, and it's still a personal favorite, especially this time of year.


Our all-time most popular fragrance, Laureate is one of those rare scents that appeals to just about everyone. With notes of bay laurel, bergamot, cedarwood, and a hint of tobacco, it's fresh, it's green, it's a little bit citrus-y, and it's a really great candle to light when the days are getting longer and everything outside is turning green.


If you're looking to clear your space and move some stagnant energy around, this is the candle for you! Loaded with essential oils of palo santo, sage, cedarwood, cypress, and clove, this one is an energetic powerhouse with a light, fresh, uplifting scent.

I hope this gives you a little inspiration to shake up your home fragrance game this spring.  I'll be back in a couple of months with my top picks for summer scents, but until then, if there's anything you're curious about, anything you'd like to see in a future newsletter, or if you just want to say hi (come say hi!), hit me up on Instagram (@illuminatiwaxworks), Twitter (@illuminatiwax) or email me at info@illuminatiwaxworks.com

Thanks for all the support this past year - I know it was a rough one (to put it mildly) for all of us, and I cannot adequately express how thankful I am for everyone who bought a candle or interacted on social media. When I say that this is a small business, what I mean is that it's literally me mixing, pouring, packing and shipping every single order. I love doing this, and I'm so grateful to everyone who helps my little business grow. Take care!

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